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10 Practice For Database Security Best Practices In SQL

10 Practice For Database Security Best Practices In SQL

Shivani Singh31 11-Oct-2024

Security of databases in SQL is of paramount importance so that data is not tampered with in any way by either malicious users or accidental users. In light of advanced forms of computer cyberattacks, it is relevant to use good measures to protect its database systems. In the following sections, we will cover ten basic steps to strengthen SQL database security and safeguard your important data resources.

1. Implement a Great Authentication Program and Authorization Policies

Indeed, it can be stated that one of the first things that need to be done for SQL database protection is the authentication protocols. Put into practice MFA and RBAC to limit the use of various resources by users whose activity puts at risk the confidentiality of certain data. Restricting access to certain privileges in a system to employees in a company based on their position is also effective in reducing the effectiveness of internal attacks. To read more about access control, check out our following topic on cyber security measures.

10 Practice For Database Security Best Practices In SQL

2. Implement data encryption

Encryption is the most widely effective that can be employed to protect the kind of data whether stored or in motion. For SQL databases, the following encryption protocols should be used: Encryption for data in transit is TLS/SSL and for data at rest is Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). Encryption simply means that you reduce the impact of leaked data in case it happens.

3. Regularly patch and update SQL software

This is why you must regularly update your SQL software on security. Intrusion patches and updates eliminate reinjected well-known risks, providing lower opportunities for hackers. Make it a policy that your system administrators check frequently for updates and apply them immediately when they exist.

4. Enable SQL Auditing and Monitoring

Thus, database auditing and monitoring enable identification of the unauthorized events and their corresponding reactions. There is a possibility to use audit trails to monitor the access and changes made to your SQL databases. For example, SQL Server Audit offers generous report data on the actions that may seem suspicious.

10 Practice For Database Security Best Practices In SQL

5. Restrict SQL Network Access

Limit access to the database by using firewalls and VPNs and reducing connections to the public domain of the SQL server. The attack surface should be kept small, so only those with trustworthy IP addresses and devices should be able to connect to the SQL server. 

6. Implement the least privilege principle

This security concept works under the given principle that users and processes must only be provided the level of access necessary to complete their tasks. Excessive permission may result in leakage of information or misuse of information that users never intended to disclose. Based on the aforementioned guidance, one can check the user roles and their permissions periodically as a way of maintaining the principle.

7. Backup and Recovery Planning

It is also important to set the proper frequency of and perform trial runs of backups. Backup is your final stand in case of compromised data or a system crash, especially when you could have prevented it. Back up data by encrypting it and storing it in diverse, safe areas, and try out methods of recovery frequently so that you can confirm you are capable of restoring data when the need arises.

8. Secure SQL Configuration

A lot of database attacks stem from a misconfiguration of an organization’s databases. Check, lockdown, and clean the SQL server using this service to remove any unwanted installations and close down identified security risks. Disabilities and restrict the default accounts, set the password policies and have a policy of avoiding using some advanced features that are costly to your reliability. Here you will find some suggested SQL security settings.

9. Use database firewalls

A DFW can be described as a protective barrier that restrictively controls traffic flow to a database and denies access to unauthorized or potentially damaging queries. A database firewall can be effective in avoiding SQL injection and other usual security risks since it filters all DBMS access requests.

10 Practice For Database Security Best Practices In SQL

10. Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing

Security checks and vulnerability assessments are crucial to perform periodically to improve the defense of a system before a threat actor can use the hole. There are always security professionals who can launch attacks to expose vulnerabilities in your databases and suggest improvements.


SQL database security is a continuous process rather than a single activity that may be performed and later forgotten. Here, 10 strategies are discussed that, if adopted and practiced properly, will make a huge positive difference in the security of your SQL databases against various bad guys who want to steal and misuse your valuable data. 

Updated 13-Oct-2024
Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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